Tukuleur, Adiouza – Taamunaala – Radio Edit (Spotify)

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“-Taamunaala- pleases not only with its rhythm and wave components, but also with a sense of reasonableness. Amazing work and bewitching vocal skills from -Tukuleur & Adiouza-. The composition shimmer with guitar solos and multifaceted percussion, creating a harmony of sounds. The real magic is here.”

“-Taamunaala- радует не только своей ритмикой и интонационной составляющей, но и смысловой продуманностью. Потрясающая работа и завораживающее вокальное мастерство дуэта -Tukuleur и Adiouza-. Композиция, в которой переливаются гитарные соло и многогранная перкуссия, образуя гармонию звуков. Настоящая магия.”


Influenced by his African roots, Oumar Sall is the founder of the Afro-Pop band Tukuleur. He is the lead singer, songwriter and producer, in addition to the founder of the Adunaworld Record Label. Oumar's music is a unique blend of African and urban influences, as well as soul, pop and hip-hop music. The melodies are sung in a number of languages, including Fulani, French, English, Wolof and other West African languages. The new release, TAAMUNAALA Feat Adiouza - is a prelude to the release of their full album scheduled for spring 2021. TAAMUNAALA is a modern duet featuring the beautiful Senegalese voice of Adiouza.