Farves – Resolution (Spotify)

Categories: Audio, Electronica, The Latest|Tags: , , , |

“Melodic rhythms in the mood of Techno/House music, which strongly attracts your attention. This track won't let you go even if you want to quit. Its hypnotic melody will be echoing in your soul for a long time.”

“Мелодичные ритмы и настроение techno & house музыки, что практически затуманивает сознание, погружая в себя с головой. Этот трек вас не отпустит даже в том случае, если вы захотите уйти. Его гипнотическая мелодия будет эхом резонировать в вашей душе ещё очень продолжительное время.”


Frankfurt based newcomer Farves is back with an energetic melodic techno song. Shallow chords and catchy vocals in the break lead to a climax, which is characterised by a strong synth lead and a driving bassline.


Farves – Dreaming (Spotify)

Categories: Audio, Electronica, The Latest|Tags: , , |

“The sound you were dreaming is finally out! "Farves" knows well how to entertain his audience with his warm electronic patterns and melodies. An ideal creation for all the fans of Organic House and quite promising track from an upcoming artist.”


This new Farves release captures again emotional Deep Melodic House. „Dreaming“ combines organic and electronic elements to create a dense atmosphere. The melodic elements convey a positive and hopeful mood, which together create a warm soundscape that extends throughout the entirety of the song. Farves finds and retains the perfect balance musically, manifesting an emotion that’s unique to his sound.


Farves – Near (Spotify)

Categories: Audio, Electronica, The Latest|Tags: , , , |

“An open expanse filled with flying creatures of beauty; this is what this trac evokes in our visions. A progressive mindset towards deep house superbly executed. ”


"Near" is an emotional melodic house song that combines a variety of organic elements with finely selected electronic sounds to create a dynamic, unique soundscape.


Young & talented Frankfurt based newcomer Farves is dedicating himself to the production of deep and melodic house songs, whereby he places great value on the details and perfectionism of his productions. His sonic approach is characterised above all by clear emotions and pure sound selection. His sound palette is infused with manifest structure, warm well-meaning melodies and a certain "warm" vibe.

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