4nzek – Elysium (Spotify)

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“"Elysium" has the hookiest sound patterns for your ultimate dancing experience. When EDM meets Dubstep, an explosive mixture occurs. Once you press "play" you cannot escape from this energy vortex! Fast, powerful and unpredictable too.”


Elysium is the product of a dynamic between synths and the vocal sample. I wanted a hook with a simple 90's Euro-dance progression. The creative process led me to walk the line between established EDM formulas, free forming, and allowing my Rock, Jazz, and progressive influences to be a part of the process. I tried to keep the tempo and signature changes tasteful yet still danceable. A bit of Euphoric House vibe where it is "so sad it's actually happy". This continues to be my primary theme in my music; mixing Rock and EDM without watering it down.
