Claus Vega – Alma Vive (Spotify)
“The magic and unity of melodic sound, which so beautifully entwined slow pace and a variety of synthesized sounds. The call of -Alma Vive- is light, but its background is rich, because of the artist's special kind of discography.”
“Волшебство и единство мелодичного звука, в котором так красиво сплелись медленный, размеренный темп и разнообразие синтезированных звуков. Назвать -Alma Vive- лёгкой, фоновой музыкой будет неверным, ибо это своеобразное украшение вашей дискографии.”
This song is the opening song of Claus Vega's new Album GRAU including 17 tracks with various genres and many features and collaborations by local artists from Barcelona (Gitano Del Futuro, Kai Landre, Manu Chao, Fernanda Aleman and many more)