
Agustin Mantaras – Myst (Spotify)

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“What can you find in the fog? Fog will always carry the secret.if you want to know about this, you have to enter into the fog and seek for it. The slow melody partly is interrupted by a hasty as you are into rush to get through the fog. An emotive neoclassical by Agustin Mantaras x Bergi.”

“Что ты можешь найти в тумане? Он всегда будет нести тайну. И если ты хочешь узнать ее, ты должен войти в туман и отыскать ее. Неторопливая мелодия перебивается с торопливой и ты несешься сквозь туман. Не забываемые чувства оставляет Agustin Mantaras x Bergi.”

Spanish composer and producer originally born in Montevideo, Uruguay. Bergi has been playing guitar since his early youth. He feels more inclined to compose classical music even though this style was barely heard in his childhood home. Usually, his music emerges from the strings of his old Spanish guitar, place where he feels natively comfortable, and takes it to the piano to evolve the composition, bringing the song into the world.

Bergi, recently released the single release "Myst". It features an emotion-drenched arrangement, a powerful piano progression, and mesmerizing melodies. It was featured in One World Music Radio in the UK, in the live show "Shores of Atlantis" and ranked second position on the Top 50 Singles Chart for July 2020.

In Steve Sheppard's own words (presenter on One World Music Radio)

"Myst from Bergi is an outstanding single from the artist, the performance on piano is utterly reflective and deeply emotional, and a song that would easily fit into the category of being cinematic in its overall energies as well.

If a composition stops me in my tracks it must be good, and Myst from Bergi is most certainly that, it is music that will conjure up memories moods and images within the mind, it is a song that may well bring a tear to your eye with its tones of reflection and sad beauty, but overall, it is a piece that I am more than happy to recommend to anyone who likes their music to move them to the very depths of their soul"

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