Mauricio Morales, Roni Eytan, Al Joseph – Garden of Hope (Spotify)

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“A walk among the rhythmic meadows of complex Jazz inspired riffs. They flow seamlessly together like the rivers of time. ”

Artist shared with Nagamag a very instersting story behind song inspiration:

"As we grow we reach moments in our life in which we make mistakes. In which we challenge the principles that work as the foundation of who we are and that eventually continue to build our character. I think there are times in everybody’s life in which we question our own nature. In this particular case I want to convey a specific emotion that I have felt.

It starts with me and a friend spending some time at his house. We drink and end up going out. We end up drinking more and spending money.

At the moment I was unaware or didn't care of the consequences, I just continued behaving as if I owned a world that I didn’t earn myself. But it really did hit me the moment I opened my eyes the next day. For starters, I used my fathers money. He found out of course.

At this moment I felt absolutely lost. First of all I was embarrassed and assumed my dads perception of me had changed completely. I was uncomfortable around my family because of it. I also felt like I had lost whatever innocence I had left in me and that I was turning into someone without proper direction. I felt like the child that wished for the moon was gone and had turned into something else. Something I didn’t like.

A few weeks later, I was sitting down in my pijamas, playing a Nintendo game called Pikmin. After playing it for a couple of hours I realized that for a very short period of time, I didn't think about it at all. In fact I didn't think about anything at all. I was enjoying the game, and it was the most childlike experience I have had in a while. It made me happy. And it was not the video game itself, but the idea that I was still me, and that I am in control of the decisions I make from now on. It was not a matter of neglecting whatever I had done, it was a matter of learning from it. Trying to become the best possible version of myself and be conscious of my ideas and principles and live by them.

I thought it would be a good way to end the record because I believe we are born children, and that in a lot of cases we live our lives pursuing feeling like children again. NOT being children, but feeling like children.

The level of the video game I was playing then was named "Garden of Hope". "