In Love & WAR – Lament For What We’ve Lost (Spotify)

Categories: Audio, Neoclassical, The Latest|Tags: , , , , , , |

“You have repeatedly heard the expression; the music treats the body and soul. -Lament for What We've Lost- is among those songs, that can make the people happy. If you are in a state of depression or stuck in life problems, such music makes the world brighter. With this charm and bliss you can finally be yourself.”

“Вы неоднократно слышали выражение - музыка лечит душу и тело. -Lament For What We've Lost- в их числе и делает нас, людей самыми счастливыми. Находитесь вы в состояние депрессии или погрязли в жизненных проблемах, подобная музыка делает мир ярче. И какое же очарование и блаженство, когда расправив крылья ты можешь быть самим собой.”

This original instrumental piece is an elegy to mourn all of the people, places, events, and sheer time that we have all lost as a result of the worldwide coronavirus pandemic in 2020. It was meant to be sad and haunting, but still colored by a ray of hope for the return of better, safer times. "Lament For What We've Lost" was initially commissioned by Tosca Rivola for her incredibly beautiful and moving short film about 2020, "2020ism."

Music written by Koi Anunta / In Love & WAR
Violin/piano performed by Koi Anunta / In Love & WAR
Mixed/mastered by Ali Nikou / Blaster Master Productions

Koi Anunta is the founding and sole permanent member of In Love & WAR (#ILAW). She is a Yale graduate and medical doctor who gave up medicine to pursue her love of music full-time in Los Angeles.

Koi was classically trained in piano since the age of 4 and violin since the age of 8, and has perfect pitch. Despite her classical roots, she is heavily influenced by iconic bands such as Nine Inch Nails, Depeche Mode, Garbage, Portishead, Massive Attack, and Tori Amos.

"Lament For What We've Lost" is the newest, all-instrumental release for ILAW (Nov 18, 2020). Koi wrote, played, and produced all the piano and violin on this track. It is a haunting elegy for what we have all suffered and lost in the past year, but with an uplifting ray of hope running throughout for better times to come. The accompanying YouTube music video here ( showcases placards of many major 2020 events, including #BLM.

Although Koi has since contributed strings or keys to countless other artists’ recordings as a professional musician, and always continued to write songs for her own personal benefit, she never felt completely comfortable showing anyone her original work or singing solo in public until 2018, when she met a Capitol Records producer in Los Angeles who insisted on hearing one of her private song demos. His unwavering belief in her talent encouraged her to rediscover her voice. Thus, the debut In Love & WAR EP, Tessitura (2019), was born as the result of essentially a lifetime of melodies and lyrics that were always held back in fear—until now. The six songs on Tessitura represent a search for identity, love, meaning and truth in a world full of uncertainty and deception. It is an elaborate, yet desolate soundscape that is part trip-hop and part symphony.

Koi performed all the vocals and played/programmed all the instruments on Tessitura with the exception of the drums (Mike Diggs), and on the track “Tell Me You’ll be There,” guitar (Jake Faun) and flute (Ricky Berger).

Tessitura was produced by Koi Anunta, mixed by Ali Nikou, and mastered by Andrew Balogh.