Robert Weston – Gonna Write Me A Drinkin’ Song

Categories: Audio, Rock, Spotify, The Latest, Video, Youtube|Tags: , , , , , , , |

“Если вы желаете послушать профессионалов, услышать идеальное исполнение гитарных партий, побывать в атмосфере Southern Rock – то новый релиз от -Robert Weston- станет для вас полной неожиданностью! Невероятное звучание, текст и лирика, за которой приятно наблюдать и вслушиваться в каждое слово, а голос вокалиста заслуживает отдельной похвалы!”

“If you want to listen to professionals, hear the perfect execution of guitar parties, visit the Southern Rock atmosphere – then a new release from -Robert Weston- will be a complete surprise to you! Incredible sound, text and lyrics, which is pleasant to observe and listen to every word, and the vocalist’s voice deserves a separate praise!” *

“Als je naar professionals wilt luisteren, de perfecte uitvoering van gitaarpartijen wilt horen, bezoek dan de Southern Rock -sfeer – dan zal een nieuwe release van -Robert Weston – een complete verrassing voor je zijn! Ongelooflijk geluid, tekst en teksten, die aangenaam is om elk woord te observeren en te luisteren, en de stem van de vocalist verdient een afzonderlijke lof!” *

The song “Robert Weston – Gonna Write Me A Drinkin’ Song” is released by Weston Records

Song Sources for “Robert Weston – Gonna Write Me A Drinkin’ Song”:
Apple Music:

Find Robert Weston on Socials:

Robert Weston – Last – single edit (Spotify)

Categories: Audio, Rock, The Latest|Tags: , , , , |

“-Last- owns a quality of indie folk and country. Juicy rhythm section and graceful singing, accompanied by improvisation and six string guitar. -Last- is extremely rare and valuable material for your collection. Music covers all its care of expressiveness. It helps to forget and let things go.”

“-Last- это качественный indie folk и country, сочная ритм-секция, пение изящной шести струнной гитары и импровизация. -Last- это крайне редкий, оттого и ценный материал в вашей дискографии. Музыка своей выразительностью перекрывает все заботы. Помогает отпустить и забыть.”

Robert Weston is a country music singer and songwriter from The Netherlands. Robert is greatly influenced by artists like The Beatles, George Jones, George Strait, Brooks & Dunn, Garth Brooks, Alan Jackson and contemporary country music. Robert's music harkens back to country's roots with a fresh new voice and sound.

Robert released an EP last year, named 'F1RST' and is he's currently writing songs for his second EP with Nashville writers such as Levi Gray, Dakota Jay Ryan Kinder & Will King. If Covid19 restrictions are lifted, he's going to record the songs in Nashville, later this year.

Robert is currently also a member of the Dutch country music band Ramblin' Boots. For the past three years, the band went on an international tour through Europe in countries such as Belgium, Germany, Denmark, Poland, Norway and Switzerland. In 2019 the band played the USA, supporting the Davisson Brothers (from WV) in Myrtl Beach (SC) and they also played a gig in Nashville.

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