Fitz Brothers – Sunday

Categories: Audio, Pop, Spotify, The Latest, Video, Youtube|Tags: , , , , , , , |

“Великолепное сочетание жанров Bedroom и Lo-fi Pop! Мелодия окружает вас словно свежий воздух с высоких, заснеженных гор. Трек навевает ощущение лёгкости и приятной атмосферы. Вайб от -Fitz Brothers- идеально сливается в одной целое, создавая гармоничное исполнение. Такая музыка однозначно зарядит вас энергией и поднимет настроение!”

“The magnificent combination of Bedroom and Lo-Fi Pop genres! The melody surrounds you like fresh air from tall, snowy mountains. The track evokes a feeling of lightness and a pleasant atmosphere. Web from -fitz Brothers- perfectly merges into one whole, creating a harmonious performance. Such music will definitely charge you with energy and will cheer you up!” *

“Die großartige Kombination aus Schlafzimmer und Lo-Fi-Pop-Genres! Die Melodie umgibt Sie wie frische Luft aus hohen, schneebedeckten Bergen. Die Strecke erinnert an ein Gefühl der Leichtigkeit und eine angenehme Atmosphäre. Web von -Fitz Brüdern – verschmilzt perfekt zu einem Ganzen und schafft eine harmonische Leistung. Diese Musik wird Ihnen auf jeden Fall Energie aufladen und Sie aufmuntern!” *

The song “Fitz Brothers – Sunday” is released by Ready For Records

Song Sources for “Fitz Brothers – Sunday”:

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Fitz Brothers – 7 Years (Video)

Categories: Pop, The Latest, Video|Tags: , , , , |

“Brand new “Fitz Brothers” release directly heading to the top with high speed. Your favourite Electro and EDM atmosphere. Crystal clear production combined with artistic audio and visual effects. Worth to listen in high volume and watch the clip too.”

Artist shared few words behind this inspiration about this song”

“Seven weeks after a heartbreaking breakup, this song came out basically in one pour. Although at first there wasn‘t more than a bassline and a voice, the essence and honesty of the song was already there and never changed throughout the process of the following production.

‘7 Years’ is a song I just needed to write and it helped me get through a rough couple of months. It’s very dear to me. I think most people can relate in one way or another. Things fall apart from time to time and we need to find a way to deal with it. This was my way and I’m glad to share it with you today.” – Fitz Brothers

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