Forenzics x Washington – Unlikely Friend (feat. Washington) (Video)

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“"Unlikely Friend" is one of those works that don't require adaptation, as it's pure music without unnecessary embellishments. The energy of Jazz flows like a warm stream, penetrating into the most secret corners of the human soul and leaving a bright mark there.”

“Это одно из тех произведений, которые не требуют адаптации, это — чистая, без лишних на то прикрас музыка. Энергетика джаза льётся тёплым потоком, проникая в самые потайные уголки человеческой души, оставляя там своей яркий след.”

"New Zealand’s Split Enz disbanded in 1984, but numerous reunions, classical collaborations and re-imaginings have always pulled former members – Neil Finn and Tim Finn among them – back into its orbit. Nothing, however, has been as musically ambitious as Forenzics, Tim and Enz keyboard player Eddie Rayner’s deep delve into the bands earliest days. Taking what the pair refer to as “shades” from tracks such as Walking Down the Road and Matinee Idyll (129) from their 1976, Phil Manzanera – produced LP Second Thoughts, and the later, should have been a hit Give It A Whirl, Finn and Rayner rebuild entirely new songs, alongside seven actual entirely new songs....