Alfredo Musollino – Identity | Neoclassical music review

Alfredo Musollino – Identity | Neoclassical music review

“Волнующая душу композиция, которая отправляет слушателя в завораживающее путешествие самопознания. В этом запоминающемся произведении демонстрируется способность итальянского композитора плавно сочетать различные эмоциональные состояния. Мелодия привлекает ваше внимание своей завораживающей красивой фортепианной гармонией. Меланхоличные, но безмятежные ноты задают тон всей композиции, сразу погружая в свои океаны.”

Expand to read review translations *

“A composition that exciting soul, which sends the listener on a bewitching journey of self -knowledge. This memorable work demonstrates the ability of an Italian composer to smoothly combine various emotional states. The melody attracts your attention to its bewitching beautiful piano harmony. Melancholy, but serene notes set the tone of the whole composition, immediately immersing in their oceans.”

“Una composizione quell’anima eccitante, che manda l’ascoltatore in un viaggio affondante di conoscenza di sé. Questo lavoro memorabile dimostra la capacità di un compositore italiano di combinare senza problemi vari stati emotivi. La melodia attira la tua attenzione sulla sua bella armonia per pianoforte. Le note malinconiche, ma serene, danno il tono dell’intera composizione, immergendo immediatamente nei loro oceani.”

The original review of “Alfredo Musollino – Identity” is written in the native language that is spoken by the dedicated, for this song, Nagamag’s Neoclassical reviewer and followed by two translations*, of which the one depends from the country of origin of the artist “Alfredo Musollino” (Italy) and the other one is translated to a different language than original review and the country of origin of the artist.

* Automatically Translated

Nagamag music magazine is delighted to share this music review about “Alfredo Musollino – Identity”, written by one of our experienced Neoclassical reviewers of Neoclassical genre. It’s a Neoclassical song as it should be. Without any hesitation we are a hundred percent sure that “Alfredo Musollino – Identity” will bring joy to any Neoclassical and Piano music listener !

Listen to “Alfredo Musollino – Identity” through the following Youtube and Spotify players.
Press play to enjoy this unique Neoclassical song and watch the official video clip of “Alfredo Musollino – Identity”.

Alfredo Musollino is an Italian pianist and composer. He starts to play piano at the age of 11 years guided by his grandfather, professional pianist and teacher, Raffaele De Cesare. Graduated from Frosinone’s Conservatory in classical and jazz piano, he studied with Maria Vittoria Forgiá, Carlo Negroni and Vittorio Mezza. In October 2013 he played with the international singer Laura Pausini at the Palacattani of Faenza. In 2015 he was in tour with Gatto Panceri. From 2016 to 2019 he worked as pianist, keyboard played, arranger and artistic director for Alan Sorrenti in Italy and abroad. In march 2017 he takes part of the cast of the Italian movie “Terapia di coppia per amanti” with Alan Sorrenti and he plays the role of his pianist. He performed in different television programs as “Uno Mattina” and “Mezzogiorno in famiglia” with Alan Sorrenti and his big band. In June 2018 he performed during the final round of the famous Italian talent show “Amici” where he accompanied on piano different Italian artists as Elisa, Paola Turci, Emma Marrone, Alessandra Amoroso, Giusy Ferreri and Ermal Meta. In September 2019 he played with Alan Sorrenti in the tv program “Domenica In”. In 2022 he worked for different concerts with Gianmarco Carroccia (Lucio Battisti’s Cover Band). Now he’s in tour with Annalisa Minetti with which he collaborate since 2016. Alfredo Musollino is also a piano and music theory teacher in different schools in Rome and Frosinone.

Nagamag takes pride in supporting Neoclassical artists like “Alfredo Musollino”, providing music reviews and music discoveries like “Identity Crisis”.
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If you enjoyed “Alfredo Musollino – Identity” but you have never listened before to any other Neoclassical song or you are interested in learning more about Neoclassical music gerne then click here to visit Neoclassical music page on Wikipedia.
Neoclassical music refers to a distinct style with common characteristics. Each genre carries its unique sound, instruments, and cultural influences. For a deeper understanding of Neoclassical music, Wikipedia provides comprehensive insights into its history, notable artists, and iconic works. Delve into the diverse and dynamic world of Neoclassical music through this valuable resource, broadening your knowledge around Neoclassical genre.

* Automatically Translated

Reviewed by Nagamag on October 18, 2023