Asphalt – Danté Ravenhearst

Categories: Audio, Rock, Song, Spotify, The Latest|Tags: , , , , , , |

“Dreamy atmosphere and amazing layering of sounds, that creates very melancholic vibe within the songs. Beautiful vocal just fits so well as songs progresses. Modern sound and structure and overall pop feeling is perfectly bonding together and creating this amazing song. ”

Additional information/sources for Danté Ravenhearst – Asphalt

The song “Danté Ravenhearst – Asphalt” is released by Sun Milk Records

Song Sources for “Danté Ravenhearst – Asphalt”:

Fear On The Prey – ECHLO

Categories: Audio, Pop, Song, Spotify, The Latest|Tags: , , , , |

“Modern sound, seductive mood and atmosphere keeps gaining momentum as the song progresses. With every instrument arriving, it keep that feeling more deeper. Vocal is just so catchy, perfectly balanced together in the songs harmony. Synth sounds are so hypnotic.”

Additional information/sources for ECHLO – Fear On The Prey

Song Sources for “ECHLO – Fear On The Prey”:

Timber and Salt (feat. Kinga Hornik) – Will Hobson

Categories: Audio, Jazz, Song, Spotify, The Latest|Tags: , , , , , , , |

“Amazing jazz song with smooth harmonic structure behind it. Full of catchy piano riffs, blissful lead vocal, funky vibe and smooth rhythmic parts that layers her amazing voice. Progression and arrangement is done so well, every transition is with a perfect flow.”

Additional information/sources for Will Hobson – Timber and Salt (feat. Kinga Hornik)

The song “Will Hobson – Timber and Salt (feat. Kinga Hornik)” is released by Milk-Man Records

Song Sources for “Will Hobson – Timber and Salt (feat. Kinga Hornik)”:
Apple Music:

Julian – Estella Dawn

Categories: Audio, Pop, Song, Spotify, The Latest, Video, Youtube|Tags: , , , , , |

“Catchy song, with so addictive vibe and harmonic structure. Lead vocal have a perfect crispy voice, especially with chorus part. Song atmosphere really get under your skin and its structure adds more depth to the song very melancholic mood in general than it feels in the start. ”

Lyrics of Estella Dawn – Julian

Life shook off my wonder
I’m a little tired but
God you look so pretty on
This mountain drive
And I wanna take pictures of us
But I’m scared that you’ll see me in focus
Wanna run like a river

I pull lies around my waist
Tight like a corset
Say that I don’t care
Cuz I don’t want to force it
But I wanna take pictures of us
I’m scared if I see you in color
I’m gonna fall like a star

Cuz what about when I need more?
Feel cracks up the fault line
Can’t trust your intention
So I question shit when it feels right
You act like you love me
Then pull right back like a riptide
I’m making excuses for you
And I shouldn’t be
Praying you come into focus
Oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh
If you need me better show it
Oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh

It’s a moody day out
On the edge of Julian
You laugh from the middle but
The kick is a hollow drum
I think you’re barely surviving
Trace the edge of my waist like
you might find some comfort there

Look at us darling
Playing house as the cards fall
A digital day dream
You buy me a drink
I swear it must be the last one
So I sip slow
Brace myself to let go

Cuz what about when I need more?
Feel cracks up the fault line
Can’t trust your intention
So I question shit when it feels right
You act like you love me
Then pull right back like a riptide
I’m making excuses for you
And I shouldn’t be
Praying you come into focus
Oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh
If you need me better show it
Oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh

I wanna take pictures of us
But I’m scared that you’ll see me in color
And I won’t be as pretty as you thought
I wanna take pictures of us
But I’m scared cuz my soul aches in that way
Makes me think that you’re made for me
Could you please stay in focus?

Additional information/sources for Estella Dawn – Julian

The song “Estella Dawn – Julian” is released by Purple Star Records

Song Sources for “Estella Dawn – Julian”:

Summer Wont Be The Same – Mirage

Categories: Audio, Pop, Song, Spotify, The Latest|Tags: , , , , , , |

“Φανταστική μελωδία που σε γεμίζει θετική ενέργεια και σε κάνει να απελευθερώνεσαι. Τα μοναδικά φωνητικά με τις πλούσιες και επιτυχημένες εναλλαγές τους αλλά και με την απίστευτη χροιά τους καθαρίζουν το μυαλό και σου δείχνουν μια άλλη οπτική των πραγμάτων. Ο ρυθμός με τη ζωντάνια τους σου μεταφέρει ένα αίσθημα χαράς και ολοκλήρωσης.

Lyrics of Mirage – Summer Wont Be The Same

Do you care that it’s over
Cause I’ll let go I’ll stop holding on
I feel these waves oh they’re crashing down

Breaks your damn heart that I’m not around

The secrets out everybody knows
Still wear that bracelet that I got you
Your heart in my hand and it shows
I hope in time that were better than that
This feeling just won’t go away
This summer won’t be the same

Don’t you know I’m ready for the

Summer won’t be the same
Gotta do it my own way
Feels like I’m flying so high
Summer won’t be the same

Oh I’ve been waiting for clouds to pass
My souls an ocean it’s smooth like glass
Time drifting by and the sun so high
You’ll find me under these blue blue skies
Here we come again

I hope in time that were better than this
This feeling just won’t go away
This summer won’t be the same

Summer won’t be the same
Gotta do it my own way
Feels like I’m flying so high
Summer won’t be the same

I feel like I’m flying higher
I just gotta tell ya in well on my way
I feel like I’m flying higher
There ain’t no denying
I’m hoping for change

Summer won’t be the same
Gotta do it my own way
Feels like I’m flying so high
Summer won’t be the same

Summer won’t be the same
Summer won’t be the same
Gotta do it my own way

Additional information/sources for Mirage – Summer Wont Be The Same

Song Sources for “Mirage – Summer Wont Be The Same”:

tastin you – CALLMECHAOS

Categories: Audio, Pop, Song, Spotify, The Latest, Video, Youtube|Tags: , , , , , , |

“Закрывая глаза, позвольте себе окунуться в мир нежных мелодий и пленительного ритма. Волнующее вступление ведет нас в самое сердце трека, где манящие синтезаторные переливы переплетаются с чарующим вокалом. Ритм, подобно взмаху крыльев, уносит нас ввысь, в самое царство грез. Волны гармоний накрывают слушателя, увлекая в свой завораживающий поток.”

Additional information/sources for CALLMECHAOS – tastin you

The song “CALLMECHAOS – tastin you” is released by Floating Freedom

Song Sources for “CALLMECHAOS – tastin you”:

so blue – zinha

Categories: Audio, Pop, Song, Spotify, The Latest, Video, Youtube|Tags: , , , , , , |

“Богатые мелодичные текстуры переплетаются с мягкими, бархатными вокальными партиями. Динамика композиции словно волнами накатывает, то приближая слушателя к самому сердцу переживаний, то отдаляя, позволяя глубже осмыслить услышанное. Изящные мелодические линии, пропитаны трепетными нотками, переносят нас в мир хрупкой красоты и тонкой чувственности.”

Additional information/sources for zinha – so blue

Song Sources for “zinha – so blue”:

White Sharks – Red Cell

Categories: Audio, Blogwave, Song, Spotify, The Latest, Video, Youtube|Tags: , , , , |

“Dreamy and darker atmosphere with amazing layering of sounds, that creates very melancholic vibe within the songs. Lead vocals just fits so well as songs progresses. Synth wave vibe can be felt with every themes in the background and how sets the tone with lyrics.”

Additional information/sources for Red Cell – White Sharks

The song “Red Cell – White Sharks” is released by Stupid Dream Records

Song Sources for “Red Cell – White Sharks”:

Running in Circles – Candlelight Ficus

Categories: Audio, Pop, Song, Spotify, The Latest, Video, Youtube|Tags: , , , , , , |

“Классическая структура музыки формируется через использование повторяющихся мотивов, которые постепенно развиваются и изменяются. В -Running in Circles- мы наблюдаем красивую взаимосвязь между разнообразными мелодическими линиями, которые создают ощущение постоянного движения. Слушатель может почувствовать всю глубину, когда мелодия фанк музыки становится более резонирующей, и, напротив, ощутить спокойствие в более легких моментах.”

Additional information/sources for Candlelight Ficus – Running in Circles

The song “Candlelight Ficus – Running in Circles” is released by HO MOGO MA RECORDS

Song Sources for “Candlelight Ficus – Running in Circles”:

How U Want It – Born Runner

Categories: Audio, Pop, Song, Spotify, The Latest|Tags: , , , , , , |

“Это настоящий взрыв эмоций, калейдоскоп красок и безудержная энергетика, которая захватывает с первых аккордов! Трек завораживает своей динамичностью и непредсказуемостью – она то стремительно несется вперед, сметая все на своем пути, то замедляется, погружая слушателя в атмосферу томительного предвкушения. Богатая палитра звучания создает поистине фантастический эффект, не позволяя вашему слуху ни на секунду отвлечься.”

Additional information/sources for Born Runner – How U Want It

The song “Born Runner – How U Want It” is released by House Party, CompleteTracks

Song Sources for “Born Runner – How U Want It”:

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