Atomic – Where I’m At (feat. Joe Bruce) (Video)

“Hip-Hop is one of the immutable genres, who once won a huge number of listeners. Rap artist Atomic and its joint with Joe Bruce song Where I’m At invites to him to feel the taste of the native scope of Rhode Island.”

“Hip-Hop один из незыблемых жанров, который в своё время покорил огромное количество слушателей. Рэп-исполнитель Atomic и его совместная с Joe Bruce песня Where I’m At приглашает к себе прочувствовать вкус родных простор Род-Айленда.”

Where I’m At is a high-energy Hip Hop single produced by DJ Pain 1. It features verses from Atomic and Joe Bruce, two of the nicest young MCs in the Rhode Island area.

Reviewed by Nagamag on February 28, 2021