Ayana – Stand Up

“Welcome to space! You will ask why? Yes, everything is because it is impossible to create such a high-quality sound on Earth, and R & B vocals performer as if flew from another universe! It is only worth listening to and begin to understand how many secrets and treasures she hides in himself. (Automatically Translated with Google Translate)

“Добро пожаловать в космос! Вы спросите почему? Да всё потому, что на земле невозможно создать столь качественное звучание, а R&B вокал исполнительницы словно прилетел из другой вселенной! Стоит только вслушаться и начинаешь понимать, как много тайн и сокровищ она в себе скрывает.”


Artist said about this song:

"Stand Up is a call to action for not only women but anyone who has ever been oppressed. I’ve lived in 3 continents, traveled to 27 countries, and I’ve seen that across the world there are people who don’t have a voice, who need to be empowered, who want to stand up. This song is for them, for the minorities, for the downtrodden. Stand Up is especially relevant right now with the Ukraine-Russia crisis as the planet teeters on the brink of World War III. As an artist, my greatest power is moving people with my voice and I know that Stand Up will spark determination and resolve for people worldwide who are ready to fight back."

Reviewed by Nagamag on April 23, 2022