B B Soul feat. Laura Jackson – Make It Alright – B B Soul

B B Soul feat. Laura Jackson – Make It Alright – B B Soul

“Old school vibe that hit you instantly with the first sounds, this song creates wonderful world of nostalgia. Lead vocal is so catchy and produced really well. Marvelous atmosphere and smooth beats takes this song to another level, like a voyage to the past.”


Additional information/sources for B B Soul – B B Soul feat. Laura Jackson – Make It Alright

The song “B B Soul – B B Soul feat. Laura Jackson – Make It Alright” is released by BBE Music

Song Sources for “B B Soul – B B Soul feat. Laura Jackson – Make It Alright”:
Spotify: open.spotify.com/track/5P7FQIerHJVov6RAVaTZZL
Youtube: www.youtube.com/watch?v=d5MlL61TCrk

* Automatically Translated

Reviewed by Nagamag on September 19, 2024