Music Genre

Grande Illusion – Sayed Sabrina

Categories: Audio, Jazz, Song, Spotify, The Latest, Video, Youtube|Tags: , , , , , , |

“Η όμορφη και ιδιαίτερη μελωδία τραβά την προσοχή από την πρώτη στιγμή. Τα ξεχωριστά φωνητικά με την επιβλητική χροιά τους και το δυναμικό ύφος τους μας παρασύρουν σε μυστικά μονοπάτια, που όμως θέλουμε να περπατήσουμε. Ο ρυθμός με τις εναλλαγές του μας αναστατώνει ευχάριστα και σε καμία περίπτωση δεν μας αφήνει να πλήξουμε ”

Additional information/sources for Sayed Sabrina – Grande Illusion

Song Sources for “Sayed Sabrina – Grande Illusion”:
Apple Music:

Stray Cat – Bebop Blues

Categories: Audio, Rock, Song, Spotify, The Latest, Video, Youtube|Tags: , , , , |

“В мире музыки, где аккорды могут излучать как свет, так и тень, трек -Stray Cat- выступает уникальным произведением, окутанным атмосферой древних улиц и вечерних огней. Как старый друг, встретившийвас после долгого расставания, он ведёт за собой по закоулкам эмоций, погружая в сладкую меланхолию блюзового звучания.”

Additional information/sources for Bebop Blues – Stray Cat

Song Sources for “Bebop Blues – Stray Cat”:

Leaving The City – MAZZA

Categories: Audio, Rock, Song, Spotify, The Latest|Tags: , , , , , , , |

“-MAZZA-, выступая в роли истинного мастера своего дела, с первых нот погружает в мир, где мелодичные гитарные аккорды и ритмичная ударная секция наполняют сердце энергией Blues и Red Dirt. Звук здесь будто пропитывает электричеством воздух, а тексты полны метафорических образов. И, конечно же, в этом треке есть ощущение свободы, почти гипнотическое.”

Lyrics of MAZZA – Leaving The City

Baby, I’m sick and tired as a man can be
Baby, I’m sick and tired as a man can be
I’m gonna leave this city find me a place to be
I’m gonna leave this city find me a place to be
To be free and happy as a man should be
To be free and happy as a man should be
Don’t you wait for me. I’ll be late for sure.
Don’t you wait for me I’ll be late for sure
I’m gonna find me a place I can call My own
I’m gonna find me a place I can call my own
I’ll be long gone When you’ll knock my door
I’ll be long gone when, you’ll knock my door
Come on, pretty mama want to move with me
Come on, pretty mama want to move with me
You know I’ll make you happy as a girl can be
You know I’ll make you happy as a girl can be
You know my love is deep like the seven seas
You know my love is deep like the seven seas

Additional information/sources for MAZZA – Leaving The City

The song “MAZZA – Leaving The City” is released by MAZZA Sounds

Song Sources for “MAZZA – Leaving The City”:

Snakes in my head – Angela Hoodoo x Susan Santos

Categories: Rock, Song, The Latest, Video, Youtube|Tags: , , , , , , , |

“Με μποέμικη διάθεση η όμορφη μελωδία μας ταξιδεύει πέρα από τα συνηθισμένα και οι νότες της κιθάρας μας αποπλανούν χωρίς να προβάλουμε αντιστάσεις. Τα αισθαντικά και δυναμικά φωνητικά μοιράζουν το κέφι και την χαρά απλόχερα. Μια αναπάντεχη γιορτή έχει στηθεί και η διασκέδαση είναι ασταμάτητη μέσα από το ζωηρό και ξέφρενο ρυθμό.”

Lyrics of Angela Hoodoo x Susan Santos – Snakes in my head

Snakes in my head
Snakes in my head

All alone, broken girl
poisoned heart, got no chance
my teardrops, full of flames,
A sad song…

Snakes in my head
Snakes in my head
Snakes in my head
Snakes in my head

Black cat bones, I hear the spell,
Buzzing bells, smell the pain,
racing blood, heavy chains
A long road…

Snakes in my head
Snakes in my head
Snakes in my head
Snakes in my head

Crunch of bones, around my neck
like voodoo dolls, inside my brain
hissing tongues, caress my face
The howlin’ wolves…

Snakes in my head
Snakes in my head
Snakes in my head
Snakes in my head

In my head,In my head
In my head,In my head
In my head,In my head
In my head,In my head
In my head,In my head

Additional information/sources for Angela Hoodoo x Susan Santos – Snakes in my head

The song “Angela Hoodoo x Susan Santos – Snakes in my head” is released by Folc Records

Song Sources for “Angela Hoodoo x Susan Santos – Snakes in my head”:

Feet On The Ground – Mikey Harvey

Categories: Audio, Pop, Song, Spotify, The Latest, Video, Youtube|Tags: , , , , , |

“The flow of the rhythm is so, so graceful. The guitar melody is brilliant, adding perfect part between verses and his amazing voice. Catchy tone of the song and his vocal quality will definitely stay with you long after the song is over. The choice of instrumentation was flawless.”

Additional information/sources for Mikey Harvey – Feet On The Ground

The song “Mikey Harvey – Feet On The Ground” is released by Independant

Song Sources for “Mikey Harvey – Feet On The Ground”:
Apple Music:

Runaround – Kris Rab

Categories: Audio, Rock, Song, Spotify, The Latest, Video, Youtube|Tags: , , , , , |

“Really catchy song, with so addictive harmonic structure and beautiful lead vocal. Its atmosphere really get under your skin, impressive feat for the songs on first listening moment. Its joyful vibe and music stays in your head long after the song finishes.”

Lyrics of Kris Rab – Runaround

Ain’t got no more
Use for you
You served your purpose
Now we’re through
Ain’t no such thing
As true lies
You see my sweetness
It’s my disguise
Don’t shut my eyes
I see what you do
A slip of hand
A look too new
I see her face
Now in my mind
Her tears aflow
The one you left behind

Well you run runaround
Oh well you run run around
Well you run run around
well you run run around
you ain’t run run around
on/with me no more

So typical
Almost comical
This little cliche
you call our love
A bad romance
A villain too trite
To ignore
Who was that girl
Wool in her eye
Who was that girl
who believed in lies
I buried her
beneath the tides
and laid a wreath
the waves to ride

Additional information/sources for Kris Rab – Runaround

Song Sources for “Kris Rab – Runaround”:
Apple Music:

Denying The Truth – Wolfgang Valbrun

Categories: Audio, Jazz, Song, Spotify, The Latest, Video, Youtube|Tags: , , , , , , |

“-Denying The Truth- наполнена глубокой эмоциональностью. Каждая нота кажется пропитанной личными воспоминаниями и размышлениями композитора. Это, безусловно, одна из причин, почему многие слушатели могут почувствовать связь с музыкой. Neo-Soul композиция способна вызвать ностальгические ощущения, напомнить о приятных моментах из прошлого и погрузить в размышления о жизни.”

Additional information/sources for Wolfgang Valbrun – Denying The Truth

The song “Wolfgang Valbrun – Denying The Truth” is released by Jalapeno Records

Song Sources for “Wolfgang Valbrun – Denying The Truth”:

Just One More – Vanessa Collier

Categories: Audio, Jazz, Song, Spotify, The Latest, Video, Youtube|Tags: , , , , , , |

“Это больше, чем просто музыка; это возможность уединиться с самим собой и раскрыть свои внутренние чувства. Когда первые аккорды заполняют пространство, мы словно погружаемся в волшебный мир Funk, Blues и Retro Soul. Интимный и такой глубокий вокал -Vanessa Collier- ветром закрадывается в самое сердце, рисуя чарующие образы.”

Additional information/sources for Vanessa Collier – Just One More

The song “Vanessa Collier – Just One More” is released by Phenix Fire Records

Song Sources for “Vanessa Collier – Just One More”:

Grounded – The Southbank Satellites

Categories: Audio, Rock, Song, Spotify, The Latest|Tags: , , , , , |

“Каждая аккорд пропитан ностальгией по былым временам, когда музыка была способна потрясать до глубины души. Слушая этот трек, ощущаешь себя частью чего-то большего, чем просто музыка. Это глубокое, личное путешествие, в котором каждый слушатель найдет что-то свое, близкое и дорогое сердцу. Великолепное звучание в лучших традициях Blues и Classic Rock.”

Additional information/sources for The Southbank Satellites – Grounded

The song “The Southbank Satellites – Grounded” is released by Southbank Records

Song Sources for “The Southbank Satellites – Grounded”:

Don’t Cry – Blair Jollands

Categories: Audio, Rock, Song, Spotify, The Latest, Video, Youtube|Tags: , , , , , , , |

“Soothing and easy listening sounds make this rock song very enjoyable. Catchy mouth harmonica fit so well, creating wonderful atmosphere within the song and adding dreamy momentum. His voice is just amazing, crispy, perfect fit within the songs structure.”

Additional information/sources for Blair Jollands – Don’t Cry

The song “Blair Jollands – Don’t Cry” is released by Glowb

Song Sources for “Blair Jollands – Don’t Cry”:

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