broken silence – teepee

“Поистине чарующая мелодия -Broken Silence- от -Teepee- завораживает с первых нот. Этот мелодичный Dream Pop словно уносит нас в мир грёз и тихой меланхолии. Мягкие, словно бархатные, аккорды создают атмосферу задумчивой ностальгии, в которую нас погружает чувственный вокал. Изящные гармонии и плавные переходы между куплетами и припевом словно отражают хрупкость человеческих чувств.”
Lyrics of teepee – broken silence
now, when the night is falling
and I‘m torn inside out
some days I’m howling
and I am howling too loud
I’m fine if you want my guidance
I’m fine if you wanna be silent
I’ll drive if you want, if you wanna ride
wake up call in the night, can we talk about us?
I’ll toe the line If I must
I’m on your side, we’ll work it out
broken silence between two islands
burn, all the longings
when all along they pulled me down
some days, I’m holding
I am holding on too tight
I’m fine if you want my guidance
I’m fine if you wanna be silent
I ll drive if you want, if you wanna ride
wake up call in the night, can we talk about us?
I’ll toe the line, If you must
I’m on your side, we’ll work it out
broken silence between two islands
color-blind living through our shadows
boats drift off course where the wind blows
coming home where nobody knows
stay on the phone, stay on the phone
bent down by the words that echo
late night calls don’t let me go
so far, so close to home
stay on the phone, stay on the phone
wake up call in the night, can we talk about us?
I’ll toe the line, If you must
I’m on your side, we’ll work it out
broken silence between two islands
Additional information/sources for teepee – broken silence
Song Sources for “teepee – broken silence”:
Reviewed by Nagamag on September 22, 2024