DI-RECT – 90s Kid

“Are you children of the past era of the 90s? Or maybe you feel that this crazy spirit of adventures lives in you, which were saturated with all the days of those who lived, loved and rejoiced every day in those? Then the time is to go into the past with -di -remn and swim in the rays of the old and kind alternative Rock!” (Automatically Translated with Google Translate)

“Вы дети ушедшей эпохи 90-ых? Или быть может вы чувствуете, что в вас живёт этот сумасшедший дух приключений, которыми были пропитаны все дни тех, кто жил, любил и радовался каждому дню в те мремена? Тогда самое время для того, чтобы отправиться в прошлое вместе с -DI-RECT и искупаться в лучах старого и доброго Alternative Rock!”


Those who grew up in the nineties are likely to remember this feeling that anything was possible. Whatever you imagined could be built, whatever was broken could be fixed. Sure, times change, nothing is forever - but looking at the vulnerable state of mankind today we can now see an especially sharp contrast with that spirit of invincibility. Let’s try to rekindle that flame.

Reviewed by Nagamag on September 30, 2022