HaydenGoSeek – Never Forget

“In the composition -Haydengoseek - there are many atmospheric moments that you want to endlessly enjoy and experience them again and again. The main charm is in enveloping vocals and high -quality arrangement. Everything is done with taste, amazing professionalism and, the main thing - with the soul. (Automatically Translated with Google Translate)

“В композиции -HaydenGoSeek- много атмосферных моментов, которыми хочется бесконечно наслаждаться и переживать их снова и снова. Основной шарм состоит в обволакивающем вокале и качественной аранжировке. Всё сделано со вкусом, потрясающим профессионализмом и, что главное - с душой.”


Artist said about this song:

"In 2021 my good mate Batchy was given a terminal cancer diagnosis.

Instead of letting it get him down he decided to throw a 3 day party and flew 40 of his best friends from all over the country to a beautiful resort in Port Douglas. He called it ‘Batchys wake’. We partied, we drank, we ate seafood, we reminisced and we laughed.

Before he died, Batchy asked me to write a song about the weekend. Here it is.

Upbeat, positive and Catchy."


Reviewed by Nagamag on May 21, 2022