Lizzie Karr – The Long Game

“! Listen, try to understand and comprehend - this charming song is the real quintessence of the warm sound of Indie Folk and sensual vocal -lizzie Karr-. Something important and deep work in your collection. (Automatically Translated with Google Translate)

“!Вслушайтесь, постарайтесь понять и осмыслить – эта очаровательная песня самая настоящая квинтэссенция тёплого звучания Indie Folk и чувственного вокала -Lizzie Karr-. Нечто важное и глубокое произведение в вашей коллекции.”

After international syncs, and an insane six-month musical adventure in China, fans of Lizzie Karr are celebrating her long awaited solo comeback.

Post girl pop success, Lizzie’s new oeuvre has left fans swooning. Her timeless vocals resonate with fans of Fiona Apple and Brandi Carlile, while Gawain Mathews’ production pays homage to Texas darlings Leon Bridges and the Black Pumas. Rooted in the intimacy of Austin, Lizzie’s new track announces the raw, soulful and storytelling persona of the indie artist that she’s carefully tended and held in reserve until this moment.

Lizzie’s debut single, The Long Game, is a personal account inspired by milestones in life, which takes us on a journey of love, dreams, disappointment and fulfillment. The opening lines, “Did you think this is how I wanted to be? Quiet nights alone with the TV?” are a powerful reminder of isolation and loneliness, yet this uplifting anthem, in Lizzie’s words:

“...validates the time and the work it takes to build our dreams. I wrote this as a love song for a future partner. When I finished it, he showed up. In fact, I can hardly believe everything that’s happened in my life over the last 12 months.”

This song is an anthem to the big L “Love” and to loving ourselves. It’s tossing out the window every story about how love is supposed to unfold and embracing what’s really happening.

The Long Game released on April 15. It’s already caught the attention of leading influencers across the music industry. Lizzie Karr could be the name on everyone’s lips in the next 12 months.

Reviewed by Nagamag on April 23, 2022