Matt Venuti – Owl Song Man (Spotify)

“Impressive presentation of acoustic instruments and a beautiful Hang Drum playing, which sing their song for you. Music that can be safely considered as pearl in the world of art. Very spiritual and beautiful ethnic composition.”

“Впечатляющее владение акустическими инструментами и красивой игрой на Hang Drum, которые словно поют для вас свою песню. Музыка, которую можно смело провозгласить жемчужиной в мире искусства. Очень искренняя, душевная и красивая этническая композиция!”

A relaxed, chill vibe featuring the Hang Instrument interplay with Guitar and the "Owl" like melodic voicing of the Electronic Valve Instrument.

Reviewed by Nagamag on February 25, 2022