Nelly Nelz – Grand Concourse

“The bass line will tear your body into millions of molecules, working with vocals - an incredible, and a deafening barrel can leave behind cracks on the walls and ceiling. Too many words and they are all superfluous. And all because such tracks must be heard by yourself!” (Automatically Translated with Google Translate)

“Линия баса разорвёт ваше тело на миллионы молекул, работа с вокалом — невероятная, а оглушительная бочка способна оставить после себя трещины на стенах и потолке. Слишком много слов и все они лишние. И всё потому, что такие треки надо слышать самому!”

Nelly Nelz - “Grand Concourse” Is A Theme Of The GENRE DRILL which Nelly Nelz expresses to attack several artists of the northern urban movement. A good creativity by the artist.

Reviewed by Nagamag on August 3, 2022