Nico Pistolesi – The Door is Open (Spotify)

“Nico Pistolesi from Italy, in this beautiful neoclassical composition, performed under his signatured style in a way that gives comfort to listener, like the flow of a quiet stream. The Door Is Open but you staring without step out, daydreaming with the harmonies, lost in beauty of nature.”

“Nico Pistolesi самоучка из Италии. В этой композиции мы услышали самобытность и легкие этнические мотивы. Как бы там не было - но это прекрасно, шероховатые звуки придают уют мелодии которая льется как тихий ручей.”

"The Door is Open" is about hospitality and openness. Each one of us has their own way of seeing the things that life offers us, but hospitality and openness to the new should be two aces up every person's sleeve. The song tells of a distant place and of the difficulties that can be found during our journey. Arrival is not always essential, it is often the present that gives us the most intense emotions.

Reviewed by Nagamag on November 16, 2020