Kepa Lehtinen – Fall (Spotify)

“Kepa Lehtinen with Fall once more showcase his outstanding technical ability in Theremin and its bond with the Piano, exploring more complex harmonies. Storytelling which flirts with a cinematic mystery that builds up a beautiful emotive atmosphere.”

Finnish composer Kepa Lehtinen comes out with his latest electronica classical infusion.

His new song FALL Combines instrumentation that is unusual, the harmonies are modern, with a melody that is nonetheless easily approachable and beautiful. Autumn colours can be heard from soundscape created with the theremin accompanied by piano and contrabass. Due to the fact that the sound of the theremin is influenced by the slightest vibration or breathing of the body, it provides a truly natural sound although it is an analog synthesizer.

“The theremin’s role has changed in my music. It is now an underlying organic element that makes my sound both retro and contemporary at the same time. I honestly do not know anybody using the theremin like I do.”

Check also our NAGAMAG interview with Kepa Lehtinen

Reviewed by Nagamag on October 10, 2020