Ali George – Little Prophecy

“-ALI George- sings about love prophecy, performing his lovely lyrics with great hope and faith. Acoustic music smoothly flows through your veins, excitement of consciousness and forcing the heart to knock on the beat of music.” (Automatically Translated with Google Translate)

“-Ali George- поёт о любовном пророчестве, исполняя свою прелестную лирику с огромной надеждой и верой. Акустическая музыка плавно течёт по вашим венам, будоража сознание и заставляя сердце стучать в такт музыке.”

“Little Prophecy” is the latest single by Indie/Folk artist Ali George. It is a cautionary tale about a man who was warned by an unnamed character (perhaps a parent or a friend) about a woman he was beginning a relationship with. He ignores the advice and gets his heart broken. It is inspired by several tales about prophecy and betrayal from Greek mythology. Unlike most of George's recent tracks, this one has hints of Americana and Blues music.

Reviewed by Nagamag on September 12, 2022