Bad Habits – Love Me/Hate Me – Acoustic (Spotify)

“The vocals in -Love Me / Hate Me - are a veritable lyrical volcano that erupts up to crimson skies. Singing somewhere in the upper atmosphere, squeezes the chest in the most vulnerable place. And your heart skips a beat. Bravo! -Bad Habits- hit the sweet spot.”

“Вокал в -Love Me/Hate Me- настоящий лирический вулкан, который извергается до багровых небес. Поющий где-то в верхних слоях атмосферы, он сдавливает грудь в самом уязвимом месте. И ваше сердце замирает. Браво! -Bad Habits- попали в точку.”

“Love Me/Hate Me” is a song about trying to love someone while suffering from BPD (borderline personality disorder). A daily ongoing struggle, trying to convince yourself that all the lies your mind creates aren't real...

Bad Habits is a collective of Jo (vocals), Ellie (vocals/bass), Severin (lead guitar), Spiros (guitar), and Apostol (drums) based in Athens, Greece. The band’s eclectic style pulls diverse elements of classic and punk rock for a unique, modern sound with a kick of 70s nostalgia.

The culmination of a decade-and-a-half’s worth of collaboration and experimentation, including ventures into acoustic pop, hardcore punk, and beyond, Bad Habits was established in the fall of 2018. Though initially intended to be a cover band, it wasn’t long before the project took on a life of its own. Drawing on diverse rock influences, the group took to the studio to show off their full potential (and distinctive style).

Now fresh off the heels of their debut single, “California,” Bad Habits are gaining serious traction in the alternative music scene. Rooted in uncompromising authenticity, they serve as a beacon for relatable self-expression and the obliteration of senseless stereotyping with their sharp Rock & Roll edge.

With 15 more songs slated for release, the band is looking forward to a continued upward trajectory through 2021.

Reviewed by Nagamag on April 23, 2021