Deserto Parallax x Adaya – Song Of Fortune

“A lovely song that transfers magic from the distant past in ourdays. Sound based on acoustic instrumentation, emphasizing on guitar and violin chords. The lyrics communicate an important message and more than two voices sing together. Definitely a must to listen.”

Occupy the streets with Deserto Parallax’ „Song of Fortune“

Gather on the streets, people! Let’s be confident!. Is the new song by Deserto Parallax (to be released on the 29. of April) an ode to positive thinking? The people who know the singer Maximilian Tzortzatos and his band, furthermore have seen them live, know the answer to that question.

A colorful and diverse bunch of people in a peaceful parade through the streets of the Lorraine-Quarter in Bern, including Adaya up front, plucking the mandolin. There are groups of kids, women, men, citizens, humans and even some actors and actresses that are known city-wide.

We continue dreaming of freedom, peace and justice.

We will not yield until we have found our fortune.

The folk-song „Song of Fortune“ radiates an aura of Romany music, reminds us of a bard in medieval times or a roadtrip through Ireland. But the topics dealt with in the song are relevant today more than ever and meet the Zeitgeist spot on.

Mit Deserto Parallax auf die Barrikaden “Song of Fortune”

Lasst uns auf die Strasse gehen, voller Leidenschaft und Zuversicht. Die neue Video Single von Deserto Parallax (Release 13.5), eine Hymne an den Positivismus? Durchaus denkbar. Wer den wilden Griechen und Sänger Maximilian Tzortzatos mit seiner Band schon mal Live erlebt hat, kann dies bestätigen. Ein bunter Haufen zieht friedlich durch das Berner Lorraine Quartier, Adaya zupft die Mandoline an vorderster Front. Kinder, Frauen, bekannte Schauspieler/innen ziehen mit. Und während die Löwen brüllen, träumen wir weiter von Freiheit, Frieden und Gerechtigkeit. Nein wir werden nicht von den Barrikaden weichen, bis wir unser Glück gefunden haben.

Der Folk Track „Song of Fortune“ versprüht Gipsy Feeling, erinnert an die mittelalterlichen Minnesänger oder an einen Road Trip durch Irland, spielt aber im Hier und Jetzt und trifft den Nerv der Zeit.

Deserto Parallax – Song of Fortune

Maximilian Spyridon Tzortzatos (Lyrics, Lead Vocals, Guitar and Song)

Federico Bianchi (Lead Guitar and Vocals)

Dominic Gilgen (Double Bass and Vocals

Adaya Lancha Bairacli (Lead Vocals and Mandolin)

Kristina Blaser (Violin)

Bruno Raemy (Accordeon)

Léo S. Braun (Vocals)

André Götte (Lovely Support and live Accordeon)

Recorded and mixed by Lee Shornoz at Caliber Club 2.0, Switzerland

Co-Engineering by André Shornoz and Julien Menth

Mastered by Sebastian Zwahlen at Centraldubs, Berne, Switzerland

Video by Miguel Làzaro Velàzquez

Superwoman: Thomas U. Hostettler

und viele Freunde!!!

Abspann Video

Childrens Chior /Kinderchor: Kids from Kindergarten Burgfeld, Berne, Switzerland

Kindergarten Teacher: Tina Trummer






Reviewed by Nagamag on May 26, 2022