D’Sound x Autumn Rowe – Right Now – Edit

“The track has sincerity of the author, everything is performed with soul and strong enthusiasm. Charming rhythms and melody Neo-Soul and R&B, worthy praise arranging, working with vocals and instrumental component. Sunny track for a positive mood! (Automatically Translated with Google Translate)

“В треке присутствует искренность автора, исполнено всё с душой и крепким энтузиазмом. Очаровательные ритмы и мелодия Neo-Soul и R&B, достойная похвалы аранжировка, работа с вокалом и инструментальной составляющей. Солнечный трек для позитивного настроения!”


The single version: ingrv.es/right-now-rnj-s

Taken from the D’Sound album “25”: ingrv.es/25-nir-o

“Right Now” is a part of D’Sound’s 25th-anniversary collab album “25”. The album includes collaborations with international and Norwegian artists and is co-written and produced by D’Sound’s Kim Ofstad and Jonny Sjo.

Reviewed by Nagamag on May 2, 2022