ELUNIA – Borderlines (Spotify)

“"Singer, composer, producer and performer; it's all ELUNIA.
Her single Borderlines delves into the depths of the visual and auditory textures of her subconscious. Lyrics vibrating in my chest, a cloud of melody and unearthly beauty of vocals. ELUNIA is an impression you dare not pause. "”

“Певица, композитор, продюсер и исполнитель; всё это она - ELUNIA.

Её сингл Borderlines погружает в глубины визуальные и слуховые текстуры её подсознания. Вибрирующая в груди лирика, облако мелодии и неземной красоты вокал. ELUNIA - впечатление, которое вы не посмеете поставить на паузу.”


ELUNIA’s breakout song "Borderlines" and her visual for the track should be on your radar. The singer-songwriter-producer will release the high concept clip Thursday, February 18th. The video will feature the essence of ELUNIA’s personal battle with her self-expression.

The self-made video for the New Hampshire native’s lush track "Borderlines" evokes the artist's inner turmoil of being torn between two halves of her personality, resulting in a stylish representation of the core of the song. Her battle with identity is on full display as the protagonist paints an array of multicolor strokes across her face while ELUNIA sings “I'm alive but I don't fit into reality.” ELUNIA’s knack for storytelling shines through her ability to connect her soaring, incisive lyrics to the duality of her performative and real self.

ELUNIA collaborated with multi-million streamed producer JMAC (Haux, Luz) to create “Borderlines".

Listen to "Borderlines" here: soundcloud.com/eluniamusic/borderlines

Reviewed by Nagamag on February 13, 2021