Eric Ananda, Agnelo Do Rego, MAC – My Type (Video)

“Kenyan producer Eric Ananda, in collaboration with Agnelo Do Rego and MAC, acquaint us with his new creation My Type. An excellent example of a commercial sound and producing competent when each sound element in place.”

“Кенийский продюсер Eric Ananda, в соавторстве с Agnelo Do Rego и MAC, знакомят нас со своим новым творением My Type. Отличный пример коммерческого звучания и грамотного продюсирования, когда каждый звуковой элемент на своём месте. ”

My Type is the first single from my upcoming project. We wrote the song about when someone catches your eye and you sense a connection “a vibe” and you try to get their attention but it’s like you don’t exist to them at all, so you try again hoping the second time round they might. We also felt it was the right time to release the song as Valentines day is around the corner and hopefully the song could inspire someone to ask someone to be their Valentine.

Reviewed by Nagamag on February 7, 2021