Estella Dawn – Steal Your Girl

“There are never a lot of high -quality indie pop and the new single -Estella Dawn will make you know that music is something beautiful, melodic and impressive imagination. Feel this light taste of beautiful and very necessary for your heart music.” (Automatically Translated with Google Translate)

“Качественного Indie Pop никогда не бывает много и новый сингл -Estella Dawn- даст вам понять, что музыка — это нечто прекрасное, мелодичное и впечатляющее ваше воображение. Прочувствуйте на себе этот лёгкий привкус красивой и очень нужной вашему сердцу музыки.”

From stealing the spotlight to stealing your girl, New Zealand breakthrough producer, singer and songwriter Estella Dawn continues the climb, with her sophisticated and catchy new single.

Releasing September 2nd, ‘Steal Your Girl’ leads with retro bass-work and hooky melodic lifts from both the vocals and surrounding synths. The song then follows a nostalgic pathway through mellow, lower-toned verses, towards the resolve of a simple yet striking, easily memorable chorus. Estella’s ever-seductive vocals prove increasingly alluring, aptly reinforcing the desire and self-confidence at the heart of the writing.

Showcasing some of the artist’s most intricate and near-EDM-style production techniques, the new single balances minimalism of melody with evolution of design, for a structure that’s smooth yet snappy, and rightfully drops in with a bang each time the hook returns. The pre-chorus in particular helps elevate this, taking us through an intimate, breathy moment of quiet contemplation, before the ultimate redirection strikes as our protagonist swoops in for the steal.

Always a master of incorporating unexpected twists in both lyrical substance and musicality, Estella’s approach is consistently refreshing – forever pushing the boundaries of contemporary and traditional pop, with stories and set-ups that intrigue and satisfy in newly creative ways. For ‘Steal Your Girl’ we get a touch of Lady Gaga influence in both that gamer-esque bass-line and the distant vocal inflections; the sort that bring a sense of choral presence and color to the stage.

Ceaselessly integrating all essential traits for longevity – the talent, work ethic, passion, precision and originality – Estella has been breaking down the barriers between indie and mainstream pop since her emergence in 2020. With each new single the identity of her sound and the strength and soul of her voice have continued to reach an ever-expanding global audience. Now introducing yet another fresh take, keeping things familiar enough to connect yet interesting enough to hit with impact, ‘Steal Your Girl’ rounds off the summer with a fine fusion of energy and temptation.

Reviewed by Nagamag on September 10, 2022