Laele – I Am Here (Spotify)
“Pulsating beat and angelic vocals from "Laele", fairly enough to captivate each listener. In the middle of its climax, the track opens up like a flower bud, before it falls asleep again, slowly lulling and driving you to the land of oblivion...”
“Пульсирующий бит и ангельский вокал -Laele-. Этого достаточно, чтобы заворожить своего слушателя. Трек к середине своей кульминации раскрывается словно цветочный бутон, а потом вновь засыпает, медленно убаюкивая и унося в страну забвения...”
I Am Here is the third release of Laele in the run-up to the release of her debut EP. It's a song about someone who completely loses herself in love and can't seem to pick up herself when the relationship ends. For Ella, the singer and writer of the song, its all about the question how independent you can stay in a relationship and how dependent you can be without it becoming self-destructive.
Reviewed by Nagamag on March 4, 2022