Messergeist – Ways (Radio Mix)

“Imagine that your visibility range expands behind the elusive lights outside of your car windows. You hear the roar of the engine and the melodic rhythm of Techno & House that show you the way. You already have everything you need.”

“Представьте, как за ускользающими и сменяющих друг друга огней за окнами вашего автомобиля открывается невидимый ранее горизонт событий. Вы слышите рёв мотора и мелодичный ритм techno & house, которые указывают вам путь. Всё, что вам нужно, у вас уже есть. Осталось только не пропустить свой поворот.”

Swiss melodic techno / progressive house producer Messergeist is back with a dark, powerful yet very melancholic single entitled “Ways”. This radio mix is starting with a long and melodic drop, before being propelled in a fast night-drive traveling through lights on roads that lead to places you’ll probably feel confortable in. Supported by a very unique and trippy video filmed through the highway and avenues of Geneva, Switzerland, this track won’t probably leave you without a good feeling and an urgent need to dance while driving.

Reviewed by Nagamag on March 19, 2022