Nia Wyn – Oughta Be

“The high vocal range played a significant role in the charm of this track, giving him its exceptional uniqueness. Pleasant Neo-Soul, with a very soft rhythm, melody and voice -Nia WYN-. Gold collection of any music love! (Automatically Translated with Google Translate)

“Высокий вокальный диапазон сыграл значительную роль в шарме этого трека, придав ему свою исключительную уникальность. Приятный Neo-Soul, с очень мягким ритмом, мелодией и голосом -Nia Wyn-. Золотая коллекция любого меломана!”

Welsh Soul artist, Nia Wyn was not always feeling connected to her roots and Welsh identity. She explained having struggles with her Welsh national identity, mostly because she experienced a lot of difficulties and trauma there. With edbl, who’s from Chester in North West England, they wrote Oughta Be, a song showing the journey she went on of embracing her Welsh heritage and setting it apart from those tough experiences.

Reviewed by Nagamag on April 14, 2022