saks – Indie Girl Icon

“The atmosphere of Lo-Fi Pop and Hyperpop gives the sound a hypnotic effect. The stylistics of the track is bright and very dynamic, in which the vocal of its rich sound fills the entire space around you. In the rhythmic component there is a soft percussion, which adds a track of mystery.” (Automatically Translated with Google Translate)

“Атмосфера Lo-fi Pop и Hyperpop придаёт звучанию гипнотический эффект. Стилистика у трека яркая и очень динамичная, в которой вокал своим насыщенным звучанием заполняет всё пространство вокруг вас. В ритмической составляющей присутствует мягкая перкуссия, что добавляет треку таинственности.”

This is Saks debut single- it tells a story of a woman finding her confidence. Playing with sounds from hyperpop, indie pop, and bubblegum pop (inspired by Japanese artist Kyary Pamyu Pamyu), this song is a colorful display of what Saks dreams of being: an Indie Girl Icon.

Reviewed by Nagamag on July 22, 2022