Sivilian – Boredom Paradise (Spotify)

“Boredom Paradise is a search for happiness in the hungry stream of your own desires. Sivilian has created and recorded a memorable composition, in which, through the prism of modern synthpop and his exceptional vocals, he reached out to each of his listeners.”

“Boredom Paradise - это поиски счастья в голодном потоке своих же желаний. Sivilian сотворил и записал запоминающуюся композицию, в которой через призму современного synthpop и своего исключительного вокала достучался до каждого из своих слушателей.”

«Boredom Paradise» is about binge-watching an entire season over a weekend, about picking up the phone for the 79th time, starring at the screen and about spending a lifetime online.

Sivilian’s love for storytelling resonates throughout his recent foray onto the international music scene. His melancholic vocals weave secret messages across an elaborate soundscape of synths and samples.

The single «Invisible to Automatic Doors» marked his debut on the international music scene. Usually writing his songs on an acoustic guitar, he initially struggled to bring his latest pop vision to paper. It was an impromptu phone recording of automatically closing doors in the Budapest metro that finally brought him the breakthrough. Used as a sample throughout the track, these subway doors ended up setting the musical foundation.

The latest single «Boredom Paradise» is about binge-watching an entire season over a weekend, about picking up the phone for the 79th time, starring at the screen and about spending a lifetime online.

Reviewed by Nagamag on February 10, 2021