The Inner Urge – Six

-Automatic Translation with Google Translate-
Virtually extraterrestrial layers of Ambient & Drone, lighten inclusions of neoclassics and state of flight in weightlessness. Six minutes of travel in the country of the castorcallian, cutting waves of wheat fields on white, as if from the children's memories of a sailboat.”

“Практически внеземные слои Ambient & Drone, лёгкие вкрапления неоклассики и состояние полёта в невесомости. Шесть минут путешествия в стране зазеркалья, рассекая волны из пшеничных полей на белом, словно из детских воспоминаний паруснике.”

Artist said about this song:

"Six was written in memory of Tyler Kulp - a friend of ours who passed away suddenly while we were studying at IUP. Tyler was a talented multi instrumentalist well known in the percussion community for his impressive ability to play the marimba with 6 and sometimes even 8 mallets. A pulsing vibraphone rhythm is set up on an Fmaj7 chord using 6 notes. Soon after, chord tones are bowed up high on the same instrument. Electric guitar played with an eBow enters later, doubling the bowed vibraphone tones. Synthesized mellotron-type pads fill in and blend with an overdubbed electric guitar, both soaked in modulation and wet effects. A sawtooth wave sub-bass synth carries the low end. As the song builds, the harmony briefly switches to Gmin7 before releasing. The instrumentation fades away in the same manner that it was introduced. Michael learned how to play 6 mallets for this tune to honor Tyler and his immense talent with 6-8 mallets."

Reviewed by Nagamag on April 4, 2022