André Goyvaerts – Altschmerz

“If you feel how the pain of your old wound has worsened, go to nature immediately. There, among the furry hats of trees and a warm breeze, you will find an elixir that will heal your soul. And, perhaps, this neoclassical work will become a starting point for you. (Automatically Translated with Google Translate)

“Если вы чувствуете, как обострилась боль вашей старой раны, незамедлительно отправляйтесь на природу. Там, среди мохнатых шапок деревьев и тёплого ветерка, вы найдёте эликсир, который исцелит вашу душу. И, возможно, это неоклассическое произведение станет для вас отправной точкой.”

Artist said about this song:

"Altschmerz is Track 1 of my 10 track album "Keyframes". Each track of the 10 define onr "part" or "keyframe" in a storyline of a journey i wrnt through with mental health. Starting with struggle, then acceptance and then chrysalis.

Being the first keyframe introducing the story of my journey through mental health over the past 5 years - Altschmerz is defined as “gnawing on anxious thoughts over time. It is a melancholic piano composition written to represent these thoughts ruminating in a waltzing fashion over time. Despite this melancholy and darker theme, the song is aimed to provide soothing and calming expressions for the listener."

André Goyvaerts is an Irish Neoclassical Solo Pianist and Mental Health advocate. Passionate about writing, André's music focuses on the power music has in healing during times of hardship. His upcoming debut album "Keyframes" details the journey of healing through difficult mental health over recent years. Each song is a chapter or "keyframe", titled to represent one very specific step or feeling and when combined together, the album's plot tells the story of three key points: 1. Experiencing hardship, 2. Accepting the hardship, 3. Learning to heal from it. It is André's hope for each song to reflect the feeling the title represents and to provide an experience of melancholy, self-reflection, and healing.

Reviewed by Nagamag on May 6, 2022