Der Waldläufer – Aurora (Spotify)

“Seeking the peace of mind and tranquility in our hectic world? Der Waldläufer found that place, and happy to share it with us particles. Aurora - This gentle sounds of xylophone and guitar, ambient and warm embrace state of peace.”

“Ищите душевный покой и тишину в нашем беспокойном мире? Der Waldläufer нашёл себя и своё место и с радостью делится его частицами с нами. Aurora - это нежнейшие звуки ксилофона и гитары, тёплые объятия эмбиента и состояние умиротворения.”

Aurora, a peaceful & relaxing track with all the colorful facets of the morning.

about : der waldläufer

soundscapes somewhere between ambient | chillout | downtempo

a musician & producer from kassel, germany is looking for inner peace and silence in a hectic world | he likes to travel through the world and through the inner universe | the result of these journeys converted into music can be described as a peaceful | relaxed | floating | calm | atmospheric | deep | refreshing | experimental | cinematic | soothing | light | tranquil | listening experience.

Since 2010 Der Waldläufer has now released 4 albums and he appeared on many compilations like Café del Mar, Klassik Lounge Nightflight, Le café abstrait, World Chill - Lounge, Cool off Chillout, Autumn Time, Spring Chill and many more. In his productions always the relaxation of body and mind stays in the focus. He lays out sound carpets and creates mesmerizing soundscapes, he fills spaces and makes the soul vibrate. In harmony with his inner feelings he tells his impressions with the help of music and paints pictures with the colors of sound. His organic music always should be a counterpoint to hectic, work & stress. You can say that his music is the result from the finding of inner peace and tranquility. This process is always accompanied by the dialogue between nature and technology, which creatively affects him while producing. Der Waldläufer would like to take the listeners on a trip through soundscapes, where it is possible to slow down the everyday life.

More infos:

Reviewed by Nagamag on February 2, 2021