Dj Frankie Green x Jeff bordes – Of Days Gone By

“With loose instrumental concept and cool Jazz spirit, "Of Days Gone By" could be the best piece for your precious moments of relaxation. Prepare your favourite drink, switch off your phone and let those frequencies rejuvenate your body.”

Its a picturesque day next to your favorite body of water. The sun tickling your skin as you sip on a cold drink. Alone or with your favorite person, it doesn't matter because your mind is drifting to a vibe of nostalgia. After 4 hours of this song on repeat, you blink and the last 4 hours seem like only 1 minute has passed. You have just added 15 years onto your lifespan because you have zero worry and its all because "Of Days Gone By".

Reviewed by Nagamag on May 6, 2022