Domenico Scarlatti, PC Nackt – Exobase_Scarlatti (Spotify)

Domenico Scarlatti, PC Nackt – Exobase_Scarlatti

Domenico Scarlatti, PC Nackt – Exobase_Scarlatti (Spotify)

at_bubble"String Theory member PC Nackt re-uses classical piano compositions, processed and played live through MIDI Pianos. "Exobase_Scarlatti” continues to push classical music into unexplored territory." A couple years back, !K7 label founder Horst Weidenmüller launched the !7K sub-label to further explore new classical and undefined music. And when he did that, he thought of Plunderphonia -- a way to mirror the the respected DJ Kicks series on !K7 but through the !7K lens.

Continuing a theme explored in Henrik Schwarz’s 2018 Plunderphonia concert, which re-appropriated 700 string sequences, frequent Apparat collaborator and The String Theory member PC Nackt’s upcoming album re-uses classical piano compositions that have been selected by music supervisor Hania Rani. The piano scores have then been played into MIDI by pianist Antonis Anissegos. And the MIDI Files have been “plunderized” (processed and played live) by PC Nackt through two Yamaha Disklaviers (MIDI operated classical pianos), creating compositions that take classical music into unexplored territory.

The inaugural Plunderphonia album release from PC Nackt is set for a June 26th release date on 7K!. Following "Space_Schubert", today the new track "Exobase_Scarlatti" is released to the world, displaying another creative layer to the project.

Reviewed by Nagamag on May 24, 2020