fabigeez – Mama

“In the streaming stream of the REGAE melody, a masterfully executed -fabigeez-, a streaming of consciousness, very important and meaningful words sound. Songs in which such a powerful emotional message is invested remain in memory forever. The most important words intended to the most important person in the life of each of us. (Automatically Translated with Google Translate)

“В ошеломляющем сознание потоке мелодии Reggae, виртуозно исполненной -fabigeez-, звучат очень важные и многозначительные слова. Песни, в которых вложен такой мощный эмоциональный посыл, остаются в памяти навсегда. Самые важные слова предназначенные самому важному человеку в жизни каждого из нас.”


FabiGeez also known as Geez is one of the most versatile Reggae/Dancehall artists currently residing in the city of Toronto, Canada. Born Fabian Graham in the rural parish of St Mary, Jamaica. As a child growing up he and his brothers were raised by their mother. Fabigeez and his siblings all felt a spiritual connection to music. By the tender age of 15 Fabigeez was already writing his own lyrics that proved to not only be inspirational but motivational, positive music. The songs would would win the hearts of his peers and elders because his lyrics possessed such relatable content. In 2007 some time after migrating to Canada his song “marijuana Forever” featured on a local radio program and since then he has had his music featured on several other radio platforms in Canada and also internationally.

Reviewed by Nagamag on May 1, 2022