Gifts From Crows – The Day Before Tomorrow

“A beautiful Neoclassical drawing on an invisible but tangible canvas. The orchestral arrangement gives an epic touch to the composition, but at the same time retains all its tenderness with a slight dose of melancholy.”

“Прекрасная неоклассический рисунок на невидимом, но таком осязаемом полотне. Оркестровая аранжировка придаёт некоторую эпичность композиции, но при этом сохраняя всю её нежность с лёгким и очень светлым налётом меланхолии.”

The phrase 'The Day Before Tomorrow' is Zen-like koan designed to make us reflect on our real life, on what is actually happening in the here and now. The photograph that inspired the piece depicts a black tulip. Nothing is more perishable than a flower. If we are always thinking about what will happen in the future then we miss the beauty right in front of our eyes.

This track is from the new album ‘Stories in Slow Light. It was recorded at Swallow Studios in Smallwood and features members of the string section of the Northern Film Orchestra.

Reviewed by Nagamag on March 29, 2022