Jack in Water – The Time of One French Indie Film

“Here is the minimalist melody of the piano and voice -jack in water-, which are only occasionally diluted with textures against the background. This beauty can be compared with smooth, like a mirror, the surface of the lake, which sometimes shudders from the dandelion falling onto the water surface. Greatness, as it is.” (Automatically Translated with Google Translate)

“Перед вами минималистичная мелодия фортепиано и голос -Jack in Water-, которые лишь изредка разбавляются текстурами на фоне. Эту красоту можно сравнить с гладкой, как зеркало поверхностью озера, которое иногда содрогается от падающих на водную гладь одуванчиков. Великолепие, как оно есть.”


The Time of One French Indie Film is written for someone that wanted to let their partner know that eventually things would be easier. Eventually their family will be in France where they can visit as opposed to where they currently are in Northern America. It is the second single from the upcoming EP of song gifts called The Year We Lost.


Reviewed by Nagamag on July 23, 2022