Jan Järvlepp x Moravian Philharmonic Orchestra – Suite For Strings: I. Changing Times

“It's nice to listen and hear how suite for strings awakens in you bright, rich emotions. Feeling how huge gardens bloom in the soul, and the heart is filled with love. Beautiful work as a symbol of spiritual change! (Automatically Translated with Google Translate)

“Приятно слушать и слышать, как сюита для струнных пробуждает внутри тебя яркие, насыщенные эмоции. Чувствовать, как в душе расцветают огромные сады, а сердце наполняется любовью. Прекрасное произведение как символ душевных перемен!”


With narration by award-winning actor Rob Dean, Jan Järvlepp brings classic tales to life on THREE STORIES BY HANS CHRISTIAN ANDERSEN. The Steadfast Tin Soldier, The Little Match Girl, and The Emperor’s New Clothes, along with other works by Järvlepp, open a new world of imagination for the youth of today and conjoin the countless capabilities of oral and musical storytelling. Join the Janáček Philharmonic Orchestra and Moravian Philharmonic Orchestra on this thrilling ride through these childhood classics.

Reviewed by Nagamag on April 16, 2022