João Victor Barroso, Vitor Colares – Currais (Spotify)

“It is amazing how much beautiful and simple can be a mental composition as -Currais-. Crystal acoustic guitar melody, light orchestral background music and aromatic flavor of red wine.”

“Поразительно, на сколько красивыми могут быть самые простые, но такие душевные композиции, как -Currais-. Кристальная мелодия акустической гитары, лёгкая фоновая оркестровая музыка и ароматный привкус красного вина. ”

Seeking to support the narrative of this necessary documentary-fiction, CURRAIS (CORRALS) film, its soundtrack uses elements by dense, mysterious, dramatic and rustic hour.

Moves between the ghosts of a past historically deleted at the same time denounced the aridity of a real episode and cruel that even today leave marks repeating secretly.

From more basic instruments such as guitar, bass, guitar, drums and programmed strings, to more experimental devices, such as electronic synthesizers, processed noises and guitar played with bow, all are part of the album's sound palette.

João Victor Barroso was born in the tropical brazilian city Fortaleza. His musical interest just pop up as a child, when he listened to the popular songs of the Brazilian repertoire. Throughout his life, he developed a wide interest within the musical universe, always with a glimpse of experimental in its creation as composer.

Reviewed by Nagamag on April 15, 2021