Kundalini Project – Déjà Vu

“Music that arouses primitive instincts in you. The rhythms of Global Bass and Organic House excite, the flame of fire flares up inside and flows of ice rain break out. If you are ready for loss of self -control, then turn on louder and go on a trip.” (Automatically Translated with Google Translate)

“Музыка, которая пробуждает в вас первобытные инстинкты. Ритмы Global Bass и Organic House возбуждают, внутри разгорается пламя огня и наружу вырываются потоки ледяного дождя. Если вы готовы к потере самообладания, то включайте громче и отправляйтесь в путешествие.”


Kundalini Project’s new track 'Déjà Vu" is a mesmerizing blend of shamanic drums, non-linguistic phrases, and ethereal sounds.

The drums and percussion are sharp and driving, while the calls of non-linguistic vocals and lush synth retro-pads add an element of mystery and intrigue. Kundalini Project says it’s a track that will “transport you to other realms and leave you feeling immersed and invigorated”.


Reviewed by Nagamag on August 17, 2022