Lux Aeterna by Frederik Magle – Maleen (soprano) & Edgar Asmaryan (duduk) (Video)

“With visuals that syncs perfect with the atmosphere of this cinematic neoclassical song by FREDERIK MAGIE, LUX AETERNA delivered as a hymn for the beauty of nature and the life that lights gives to Earth. Dreamy vocals and abundant harmonies of keys and pas mixed with clarity, engage a deep relaxing atmosphere. ”

Featuring Maleen (soprano) and Edgar Asmaryan (duduk), Lux Aeterna combines Maleen’s angelic voice with Asmaryan’s beautiful duduk, and the composer Frederik Magle himself on electric piano, synthesizers, and pipe organ, creating a classical but at the same time modern, otherworldly sound depicting the eternal light.

The text consists of three words: Speratum (hope) and Lux Aeterna (Eternal light)

Originally released on the album Anastasis-Messe, this is a brand new version of the piece, recorded and produced in September 2019 (The album track has been replaced with the new version on streaming services such as Spotify, Apple Music, etc.)

Reviewed by Nagamag on November 3, 2020