Manuela Verbeek – Spring

“Plunge headlong during the year in modern classical processing from unsurpassed -manela verbeek-. Feel how the singing of the cello passes through your body and, together with you, rises to the very heaven. There, high under the clouds, music begins. (Automatically Translated with Google Translate)

“Окунитесь с головой во Времена Года в современной классической обработке от непревзойдённой -Manuela Verbeek-. Почувствуйте, как пение виолончели проходит сквозь ваше тело и вместе с вами возвышается до самых небес. Там, высоко под облаками, начинается музыка.”

Spring is one of the tracks of Manuela’s new album “Season”! There are 4 tracks on it, one for every season, and 6 solo cello pieces. Hope you enjoy it and don’t forget to watch the beautiful music video linked here as well!

Manuela Verbeek is a classically trained Dutch cellist and has performed and recorded with artists from various genres such as Blaudzun, Flor d’Luna and Paceshifters, and currently focusses on creating original neoclassical solo work.

Reviewed by Nagamag on May 17, 2022