“A creative approach to creating an arrangement in which the spirit of the French Pop genre is felt. The enveloping atmosphere and the specific voice of the vocalist give a very pleasant effect. You are provided with pulsating waves of heat and endorphine under the skin, like flocks of small fish in your personal ocean. (Automatically Translated with Google Translate)

“Творческий подход к созданию аранжировки, в которой чувствуется дух жанра French Pop. Обволакивающая атмосфера и специфический голос вокалистки дают очень приятный эффект. Вам обеспечены пульсирующие волны тепла и эндорфина под кожей, словно стаи маленьких рыб в вашем личном океане.”


“Come on!” with its loud and repetitive bass line, instantly projects us into the darkness of a club where the party is in full swing.

Last Single of the group MOTEL CLUB before the release of their First album scheduled for May 6, 2022, this title evokes the abandonment of oneself, the total inability to resist the fleshly call of the night and all its excesses.


“Viens! ” avec sa ligne de basse tonitruante et répétitive, nous projette instantanément dans la pénombre d’un club ou la fête bat son plein. Dernier Single du groupe MOTEL CLUB avant la sortie de leur Premier album prévue pour le 6 Mai 2022, ce titre évoque l’abandon de soi, l’incapacité totale de résister à l’appel charnel de la nuit et de tous ses excès.

Reviewed by Nagamag on May 4, 2022